Monday, July 18, 2016

I am the Lotus

Just back from vacation and had the pleasure of touring the Frederick Meijer Sculpture gardens in Grand Rapids, MI. What a delight and treat for the senses, I highly recommend it!

As I photographed the beautiful lotus flowers, this came to me. This is how it is sometimes, we are stuck in the darkness of our minds, unable to move forward towards whatever it is we are seeking. The mind keeps us busy with anxiety and fear, creating the perfect environment that prevents us from moving forward. 

Here we stay, until ready to move, up through the mud and muck (like the lotus flower) of our thoughts and the busyness of life that keeps us distracted from our goals and dreams. 

Taking that one step, that first step towards forward movement, allows us to bloom in the awareness that "I can do this" whatever "this" is for you. 

Accomplishing that small task of taking your first step towards whatever it is you are seeking, how can you not bloom?

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Hello Readers,

Today's writing is the longer version of 2 excerpts that I have posted on my "The Art of Self Care Coaching and Energy Therapy FB page, Instagram, and my FB pages. 

It is this relationship with Spirit that I have that guides me, and yet keeps me curious and question it all at the same time. It has never been a question as to believing in it, but it is much more about our relationship and how we are entwined on a day to day basis.

I also wonder if others have these same experiences or thoughts about Spirit or whatever name you give you higher connection. If you do, please share as I am interested in hearing what you have to say. 

Thanks for taking the time to read and reflect,


How many rooms,
do I need to walk through,
to find you?

"I have walked alongside you,
through every room of your heart."

How many open windows
do I need to peer through
until I see you?

"Outside every window,
I have seen you,
looking out as you have looked within."

How many raindrops, 
must run off my skin,
until I feel you?

Does the warmth of the sunrise on my face count
 as feeling you?

Remember all of the days,
that I face your darkened skies,
and I tried to walk against (or was it towards) you
and your mighty winds, while sand blew across my feet,
was that you?

"Every raindrop ever felt,
and every sunrise that kissed your face,
has been me.

Yes, even as you faced darkened skies,
and walked against my mighty winds,
you walked towards me."

"I have in all ways,
been here with you."

Deana Downs 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Welcome to 360 Degress of Awareness

I have created this blog as a platform to post the various writings that I do, as well as a bit of my photography, and in some instances both will be present. My writings are about my life and the practice of "Self Study" or "Svadhyaya" as it is called in the disciplines of yoga.
Come to this page when you are wanting to read something different. Visit this page when you are exploring within and there are no words for how you feel or for what you are experiencing. Turn to this page to read about the synchronicity of life and nature (or my garden), or just pop in to see what I have to say.
I enjoy writing about spirituality, gardening, nature, personal growth, change, awareness, love, and the ways in which our experiences in this life change and shape who we are. My gardens are a place where I go to connect with the earth, where my hands dig deep in the dirt, and my face gets close to the ground to smell the clean fresh scent of soil. It is a place where all of life surrounds me.
Welcome to 360 degrees of awareness,

Rocks, Glass & Grubs

Today's writing brings us into the garden, and the connection to earth and spirit that I feel when I am outside working. My gardens are also a place for me to process whatever is going on in my life at the time and digging seems to provide the space for answers. D~

With these hands,
I dig,
and deeper
into the earth.

Trying to unearth the answers
that lie within me - (surely they are here).

Along the way I find rocks, glass, grubs
and a rotting bulb, buried too deep to ever bloom.

I am that rotting bulb,
buried too deep,
to ever bloom.

Rocks, Glass and Grubs.
Hard, Sharp and Alive.

I continue digging 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep,
soil cool and crumbly, smells so clean here.

How much more is there to this unearthing process?
How much deeper will I have to dig, until I find the answers?

Placing my feet into the hole, then burying them in the soil,
I stand upright and feel the connection to the earth.

Not just to the earth, but to you, and even if it is for
a moment, it’s as if we are one.

Where are my answers? - (I ask aloud)
My heart holds the answers - (was that you?).

And you,
hold me,
steady and sure,
with an unwavering love,
and faith in me.

Deana Downs 2016~